The eyes are complex organs, with many parts that must work together in order to produce clear vision. At Station Tower Optometry we believe that the better our patients understand the function and physiology of the eye, the better prepared they are to make informed decisions about frequency of eye examinations and the viability of available treatment options.
The following are descriptions of some of the more common eye diseases and disorders we treat at our 2 area eye clinics. For more information, or to schedule an appointment for an eye exam in Sault Ste. Marie or Thessalon, Ontario, please contact our office. Remember: Early detection and treatment is the best way to prevent vision loss.
If your eyes itch, burn or sting you may be experiencing common symptoms of "dry eye". Other possible symptoms that may signal the presence of dry eye include a feeling of something foreign within the eye, or general eye discomfort.
Dry eye may occur because the volume of tears produced is inadequate (we all produce fewer tears as we get older, and in some cases this can lead to dry eye symptoms). It may also result because the composition of the tears has changed so that they are unstable and evaporate more quickly. Read More
Red, watery eyes, inflamed lids, blurred vision and a sandy or scratchy feeling in the eyes are symptoms that may indicate the presence of conjunctivitis. A pus-like or watery discharge around the eyelids could be indicative of an infectious form of the disease, commonly known as "pink eye."
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva, a thin, transparent layer covering the surface of the inner eyelid and the front of the eye. It affects people of all ages. Read More
If your eyelids are red and irritated around the rim, if they burn and itch, or if you've noticed an oily discharge or scaly skin around them, you may have an inflammatory problem called "blepharitis". Some people describe it as "psoriasis of the eyelids".
Blepharitis may be either of 2 main types, or a combination of both. Read More
The scariest thing about glaucoma is that it can steal your vision gradually and without your noticing. The best defense against glaucoma is having regular eye examinations performed. Glaucoma most often strikes people over the age of 50, but it is recommended that every adult be tested at least every 2 years.
Some people with glaucoma do experience symptoms, but symptoms vary depending on the type of glaucoma contracted. Read More
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the most common cause of irreversible vision loss for people over the age of 60. It is estimated that 2.5 million people in developed countries will suffer visual loss from this disorder and that there are approximately 200,000 new cases diagnosed every year.
Macular degeneration is most common in people over the age of 65, but there have been some cases affecting younger people in their 40s and 50s. Symptoms include blurry or fuzzy vision; straight lines, such as telephone poles and sides of buildings, appear wavy and a dark or empty area may appear in the center of vision. Read More
A small area of redness and pain on the margin of your eyelid may indicate that you have a stye, known in medical terms as an external hordeolum. A stye is a blocked gland at the edge of the lid that has become infected by bacteria, usually staphylococcus aureus.
The area of redness and pain will eventually form a 'point'. Until this occurs, warm compresses should be applied to the area for 15 minutes 3-to-4 times a day. Often times, antibiotics are prescribed to assist in the resolution of a stye. Read More
Diabetes, a disease that prevents your body from making or using insulin to break down sugar in your bloodstream, can affect your eyes and your vision.
Fluctuation or blurring of vision, intermittent double vision, loss of peripheral vision and flashes and floaters within the eyes may be symptoms related to diabetes. Oftentimes the early signs of diabetes may be detected during a thorough eye examination. Read More